
Discover inspiring stories of change

2808, 2024

Shine Out reviews

Miriam has a gift to guide and accompany you so that you'll discover things for yourself and you'll find your own tools almost without realising it, in a kind and laid-back setting.

2410, 2023

Workshop testimonials

One of the biggest takeaways for me was how Miriam helped me to identify my strengths, values, and goals, and then develop an action plan. I had an amazing experience. I highly recommend Miriams services to anyone who is looking to make positive, effective and sustainable changes in their work life.

3101, 2023

My story

And as I do not believe that anyone has that answer for me, or who I should be and how I should live, I don’t try to find these answers for others. A deep conviction that we are the only ones who can find them for ourselves – tailored to our needs and measure – makes me best serve others by creating a space where this process of searching and choosing is easier.

3101, 2023

Investment Banking VP, UK

The sessions with Miriam were extremely insightful and created space to see I already had the tools to work through the challenges I faced. [...] Miriam’s approach is focused on individuals specific requirements and our sessions involved activities set up that held me accountable and enabled progress. Miriam exceeded my expectation of a coach and would highly recommend her.

2501, 2023

Business Manager VP, UK

Miriam was able to help me develop and identify opportunities for growth within my current role giving me confidence to tackle existing challenges which I had struggled with previously. [...] As a result of my interaction I have realised real growth and impact in the short term and have a much better direction for the future.

2501, 2023

Product Manager, UK

I believe you went over and beyond coaching me as all I was asking was support with career. Thinking back over those sessions, what we have achieved is well beyond as I grown in confidence. [...] Thank you for your time listening, as often seemed I was having that dialog conversing with myself and getting to know who I really am.

2501, 2023

Strategy & Governance VP, UK

I was quite unsure about the coaching and how it would go but you put me at me at my ease straight away. You never assumed that I needed certain things but you let me explain what I felt I needed and you seemed to make sense of what I thought was a bit of a muddle.

2501, 2023

Finance Services VP, UK

Before the interview process which I completed successfully we had a few sessions preparing me especially for the non-technical management and leadership aspects of the role, which become more important with increasing seniority

2401, 2023

Lab Engineer, UK

I was offered the first job I interview for so I would say it was a great and positive impact! Miriam allowed me to focus on exactly what I needed and made great suggestions to consider so I got everything I needed [...]

2401, 2023

Team Leader, UK

The CV sessions gave me the confidence to go for roles I would have been hesitant before. The interview prep now has made me more confident in the upcoming interviews [...]

Shine Out reviews

Miriam has a gift to guide and accompany you so that you'll discover things for yourself and you'll find your own tools almost without realising it, in a kind and laid-back setting.

Workshop testimonials

One of the biggest takeaways for me was how Miriam helped me to identify my strengths, values, and goals, and then develop an action plan. I had an amazing experience. I highly recommend Miriams services to anyone who is looking to make positive, effective and sustainable changes in their work life.

My story

And as I do not believe that anyone has that answer for me, or who I should be and how I should live, I don’t try to find these answers for others. A deep conviction that we are the only ones who can find them for ourselves – tailored to our needs and measure – makes me best serve others by creating a space where this process of searching and choosing is easier.

Investment Banking VP, UK

The sessions with Miriam were extremely insightful and created space to see I already had the tools to work through the challenges I faced. [...] Miriam’s approach is focused on individuals specific requirements and our sessions involved activities set up that held me accountable and enabled progress. Miriam exceeded my expectation of a coach and would highly recommend her.

Business Manager VP, UK

Miriam was able to help me develop and identify opportunities for growth within my current role giving me confidence to tackle existing challenges which I had struggled with previously. [...] As a result of my interaction I have realised real growth and impact in the short term and have a much better direction for the future.

Product Manager, UK

I believe you went over and beyond coaching me as all I was asking was support with career. Thinking back over those sessions, what we have achieved is well beyond as I grown in confidence. [...] Thank you for your time listening, as often seemed I was having that dialog conversing with myself and getting to know who I really am.

Strategy & Governance VP, UK

I was quite unsure about the coaching and how it would go but you put me at me at my ease straight away. You never assumed that I needed certain things but you let me explain what I felt I needed and you seemed to make sense of what I thought was a bit of a muddle.

Finance Services VP, UK

Before the interview process which I completed successfully we had a few sessions preparing me especially for the non-technical management and leadership aspects of the role, which become more important with increasing seniority

Lab Engineer, UK

I was offered the first job I interview for so I would say it was a great and positive impact! Miriam allowed me to focus on exactly what I needed and made great suggestions to consider so I got everything I needed [...]

Team Leader, UK

The CV sessions gave me the confidence to go for roles I would have been hesitant before. The interview prep now has made me more confident in the upcoming interviews [...]

As an ICF Coach I work in accordance to ICF standards and ethics
– find our more about what I commit to HERE

Contact me for a free consultation and find out if working with me is the right solution for you!

Przekazane dane kontaktowe zostaną użyte tylko do kontaktu i nie będą używane w innych celach oraz udostępniane innym podmiotom.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych podanych w niniejszym formularzu przez Miriam Kochan zamieszkałą w Grenada, Hiszpania (zwaną dalej „Administratorem”) zgodnie z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 z dnia 27 Kwietnia 2016 r. w sprawie ochrony osób fizycznych w związku z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych i w sprawie swobodnego przepływu takich danych oraz uchylenia dyrektyw 95/46/WE (zwanym „RODO”) w celu skontaktowania się z Tobą, oraz przygotowania na podstawie danych zawartych w formularzu ofert a także w przypadku zainteresowania ofertą do ich wykorzystania w celu i procesie zawarcia umowy na okres niezbędny do realizacji w/w celu. Wyrażam także zgodę na przetwarzanie danych w powyższym zakresie przez podmioty, współpracujące z Administratorem. W przypadku wyrażenia przedmiotowej zgody:
  • Twoje dane osobowe przetwarzane będą na podstawie art. 6 ust 1 pkt a RODO, w celu realizacji niniejszego zgłoszenia;
  • Twoje dane osobowe będą przechowywane przez okres realizacji zgłoszenia;
  • posiadasz prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz prawo ich sprostowania, usunięcia, ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do przenoszenia danych, prawo wniesienia sprzeciwu, prawo do cofnięcia zgody
  • w dowolnym momencie bez wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania, którego dokonano na podstawie zgody przed jej cofnięciem;
  • masz prawo do wniesienia skargi do GIODO, gdy uznasz, iż przetwarzanie Twoich danych osobowych narusza przepisy ogólnego rozporządzenia o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 27 kwietnia 2016 r.;
  • podanie przez Ciebie danych osobowych jest dobrowolne. Nie jesteś zobowiązana/y do ich podania;
  • Twoje dane nie będą przetwarzane w sposób zautomatyzowany, w tym również w formie profilowania.
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